Sunday, April 12, 2009

The News

The news in the UK is absolutely flooded with the news of that ship captain who was recently released. Before that? It was all about how there is an American captain being held by pirates. Apparently when the navy people finally did their little offensive and got the captain back they killed three of the pirates. Something that is most likely being overlooked by most people is that in each statement by any pirates there, they start off by saying that they are only interested in the ransom mainly because life in Somalia is hard and this is a way that they can make money. Let me remind you that to a great extent we did that to them. In fact, our miserable failure there is the reason that your president Clinton sat by and refused to call the genocide that was going on in Rwanda exactly that.

The other thing I have to say about this is that IT DOES NOT MATTER!!! You have a president now who is giving a shit load of money to the exact corporations who got the US, and the world for that matter, into the mess they're in now. There are workers all over the country who make barely enough to live on -- not because of this whole financial mess, but before this. In fact, the majority of workers, in order to afford a place for their families to live. But, while Obama is pretending to get stuff done by saying 'it's in the right timeframe of the plan he laid out in his campaign', which somehow has a great pacifying effect, the financial advisors he hired are helping out their wallstreet friends. Anyone who thinks that each tiny upsurge in the market is a sign of improvement is an idiot. Let me digress a bit to say that at least he is putting some restrictions (though not many) so that the tax payers won't completely lose out unless the whole system absolutely collapeses...this is more than I can say for what I think the other guy would have done. And back to it. Even if things do get better financially the suffering has already occurred and it will continue to occur as long as people are forced to accept that the value of their lives can be determined by money.


Mike Murrow said...

now that's the Rob i remember! i was afraid all that living abroad was making you soft.

the Rob (with one B) said...

not a chance.