Sunday, April 01, 2007

My Anti-Lent

I think lent ends in a week. I'm not sure if l(L)ent is supposed to be capitalised or not, so I'm gonna go lower case just for consistancy's sake.

Once again I didn't give up anything for lent this year. Well I did give something up, but not specifically for lent. Anyways, I missed the beginning of lent and I didn't want to start late for some reason. But I was thinking about how an ex-girlfriend's dad did lent. He would give up hard liquor and beer. He liked wine, but was a wine snob so drinking enough wine to get drunk would cost him a lot of money...he was also (probably) an alchoholic. So he decided that he could drink brandy since it was made from grapes, just like wine, and would be in the clear. This is really the first I had ever heard of lent.

In my thinking about lent it occurred to me that most people I know who practice lent, don't spend the time that they would have been doing the particular thing they gave up, with God... which I think (though I'm no expert) is one of the points for modern lent observers. So I decided that I'm going to practice an anti-lent of sorts. That 'anti' isn't to be interpreted that I don't like or support lent. It's just to say that instead of not doing something I'm going to do something. After all, my god is a god of action and he probably wants me to follow suit. Although I will admit that this little exercise that I will embark on doesn't really get me closer to God in any way. Unless of course one of my gifts is writing and I am honing the skill for the betterment of his kingdom, but i doubt that's the case.

So...the Monday following Easter will be the beginning of my anti-lent. I will publish on my blog one short story per day. I tried to think of something meaningful to do on those 40 days, but I really couldn't come up with anything that wasn't super cheesy, so this is what you get. When the time rolls around I'll post the web address for the new blog that is dedicated to my stories.

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